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Excerpts from the original document establishing the mission of the Society of Fraternal Aid:

1. The Society aims to provide assistance to needy participants of the Great War and their orphans. With the help of the Society, provisions for food, clothing, and shelter are offered to the poor, as well as the issuance of cash benefits, assistance in finding employment or service, and accommodations given in almshouses, hospitals, educational institutions, etc.
2. To achieve this goal, the Society has the right to arrange, in compliance with applicable laws and administrative orders, houses of industry, agricultural organizations, low cost canteens, dental courses and schools for dental technicians, drawing courses, and similar establishments.


20. ...Other convenings by the board in Petrograd, alternately in March and November, also in extraordinary cases of need at any time by decision of the board itself, at the suggestion of the Honourary Chairman of the Society, at the request of the audit commission, or at the written request signed by no less than 20 members, and in the last 3 cases must be convened within no later than 2 weeks following. In addition, the general meeting must be convened at the request of the mayor of Petrograd.

21. The dates and places of general meetings must be communicated in advance to members of the Society and the local police by special notices or announcements in widely distributed newspapers, indicating issues to be discussed. 

22. A general meeting is considered to have taken place if at least 1/5th of honourary and active members of the Society residing in Petrograd are present. To resolve issues on the acquisition or alienation of real estate, changing the charter, or exclusion of members, the closure of the Society and liquidation of its affairs, the presence at the meeting of half of all honourary and active members residing in Petrograd is required.

23. In the event of a failure to arrive at the number of members specified in the preceding paragraph, the Society must convene at a second time, appointed by the assembled members, no sooner than one week following, to discuss the same topics. The second meeting is considered to have taken place with any number of those who appear it it, about which the members of the society are warned in the notices of the meeting.

24. General meetings are opened by the Chairman of the board, and the Honourary Chairman of the Society presides over them, and in his absence, a specially elected person each time. In the event of the general meeting examining the board's reports of complaints about its actions, a person belonging to the board cannot preside. The minutes of the meeting are drawn up by the Secretary of the general meeting elected for this purpose.

25. The general meetings shall have a) primary supervision of the management and affairs of the Society; b) the election of honourary members and chairmen of the Society; c) election of members of the board and audit commission, as well as candidates for them; d) the exclusion from the Society of its members whose actions violate the interests of the Society; e) the approval of the annual report...

©2018 by The Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna Society of Fraternal Aid

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